How to Craft Product Pages for Your Agency Website

Posted on December 9th, 2022 by nms

Within the ever-changing insurance industry, it’s challenging for property and casualty insurance agencies to keep up with digital marketing trends. And so, many agencies need advice on creating well-crafted product pages that will bring in customers and avoid the trap of poorly designed pages that leave money on the table.

Read this post for tips on creating product pages that get attention and sales. Find out how important it is to learn about your audience, organize your content, and make it search engine optimized (SEO). Your goal is to create product pages that stand out from the competition and attract more customers.

Quality Content Closes Deals

The quality of your product page can make or break a potential sale, so aim for the best possible. Your product pages help potential customers make informed decisions. And as such, your page content and design must show you understand and have solutions for your prospects’ needs, or they may never become customers.

Why Are Property-Casualty Insurance Agency Product Pages Important?

You can’t expect a single product page to appeal to everyone, so you must know your target audience and create product pages that speak to their unique demands. An easily found and engaging product page builds trust with new customers and helps current clients stay happy and loyal. 

People buy from vendors they trust, and product pages are trust-building sources because they provide answers about your products and services and explain what they can do for them. When customers can easily find the explanations they need, it increases their confidence and interest in your products or services.

Researching Your Target Audience

Before getting started, you must research your target audience. This step is critical, especially if you’re working with an outside designer who isn’t part of your day-to-day operations. If a designer doesn’t know your target audience, they might make product pages that appeal to everyone rather than your specific audience. And as a result, they can design product pages that don’t connect well with customers and lead to low conversion rates. 

Following these suggestions will help you understand more about your target audience and what content they respond to most and why: 

  • Do one-on-one interviews with your current customers. They can tell you a lot about how they make decisions. Since they are buyers, they can provide insight into their search criteria and how your product pages helped them decide. 
  • Regularly surveying your customers keeps you up-to-date with insight into their needs and what they desire when reviewing your product pages.
  • Analyzing competitor data to discover how they use product pages to market their products is advisable because you gain a fresh perspective on what your target audience is seeking on their product pages.

Organizing Your Product Pages and Its Content

Organizing your pages is crucial so visitors can find the information they need. Content that shows awareness of visitors’ needs and answers their questions makes them more comfortable and better prospects. Use these suggestions for managing your product page content: 

  • Make your website’s product pages easily accessible so visitors can quickly find them. Unfortunately, most visitors will never reach the bottom of your website, so don’t stash valuable links there or in your footer.  
  • Use bullet points and subheads to break up your product page content and make it more inviting to read or scan. Content crammed on a single page is too hard to read, causing readers to give up before they understand what you offer.

Creating Compelling, SEO-Friendly Headlines

Your product page headlines are vital because they’re the first thing visitors see. And they open the door to make sales possible, so they must be compelling. So, for example, a catchy headline can drive more organic traffic to your product pages. 

Testing A/B variations of headline types like these is innovative marketing.  

  • Problem-solution headlines appeal to customers by identifying their problems and offering solutions. They’re commonly used in sales and are excellent for insurance product page headlines. 
  • Curiosity headlines pique visitors’ interests and make them want to learn more. They’re practical, intriguing, and can help drive traffic to your product pages. 
  • Question headlines: Question headlines elicit thought and engagement from visitors. While they can work well for insurance product pages, don’t overuse them because too much will make visitors feel under interrogation.  
  • Command headlines: command headlines use an imperative verb to demand action. They can effectively sell a product or catch potential customers’ attention. But you should use them sparingly to avoid appearing bossy.

About Agency Tsunami

Agency Tsunami is the digital marketing division of Neilson Marketing Services, who has provided the insurance distribution sector with innovative marketing and communication solutions for over twenty-five years. With our Agency Tsunami program, we have implemented an integrated marketing strategy that includes optimized, professional websites supported by high-quality SEO and Social Media for hundreds of insurance retailers and wholesalers. Our goal is to help your insurance business perform and generate new opportunities. Give us a call at (800) 736-9741 to learn more about how we can do that for you.
